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A Guide to An Essential Oils Face Care

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    A woman’s life is all about beauty and aesthetics. There’s nothing better than waking up and seeing a glowing face smiling right back at you in the mirror. And what’s better than a radiant skin? Of course, a flawless face that betrays the age is every woman’s dream. And with essential oils now in the market, we’re now one step closer to finally finding the fountain of youth.

    Whether you have dry skin that gives you that rough unappealing texture, an oily face that gets really shiny, or a combination of both, don’t worry, you won’t feel left out! After all, there’s an essential oil just for you. Learn a face care regimen with beauty oils! Here are some pointers you should remember.

    A pretty woman winking

    Why Take Care of Your Skin?

    Some people think that taking care of your skin is just vanity. But it’s not. In fact, it is more of a healthy option than being a beauty regimen. Though we can’t really deny that we all want to look young and beautiful, right? It’s just a perk of taking care of the skin. But what is the importance of paying attention to your skin’s health?

    • Skin care is more of a protection or defense against conditions that might be short-term or long term. Either way, these skin care concerns range from your everyday issues to worst ones like diseases and even cancer.
    • Skin, as the outermost organ of the body, is responsible for protecting other systems and organs. But it is also highly sensitive. Its health is vital for the overall wellness of the body.
    • Some diseases and conditions of the body develop on the skin. Its state is also an evidence of the health of a person. For example, having dry and dull skin might mean that you’re dehydrated.
    • A plus point of taking care of the skin is that you get to look young and beautiful! It’s definitely worth the investment.

    Basics of Face Care Using Beauty Oils

    A routine that revolves around the powers of essential oils takes face care to another level. Whether it’s for cleansing or moisturizing, these oils definitely have the power to give just what your skin needs. Learn about how they work and what oils we recommend!

    Essential oil

    Deep-Cleansing the Face

    Some cleansing formulas can be too harmful. With products that are too potent or methods that prove to be harsh, the skin gets damaged. Of course, there are also cleansing routines that do more than its fair share in making sure that the skin is free from impurities.

    What makes essential oils really effective for natural skin care is that when mixed right and with proper application, they are really gentle on the skin compared to normal cleansers. Plus, they can purify the skin and not just cleanse it. This means that it draws out toxins and other impurities from the skin. What truly makes face care with cleansing oils the better choice is that they also have the ability to prevent acne and breakouts.

    Some oils you can use for cleansing are castor oil, rose oil, and tea tree oil. These are the ones that have high antibacterial properties. They kill germs and bacteria that might cause conditions and damage to the skin.

    Oils to Hydrate the Skin

    Compared to normal moisturizers, what skin needs are hydrating products that supply the water content to the deeper layers of the skin. It is one of the vital components of skin health. While moisture only tends to the surface of the skin, the hydration that it needs affects it from the outermost layer to its deepest layer.

    The difference on how moisturizing products and hydrating formulas work is this – the first only traps the water on the surface of the skin to prevent it from going dry and rough. The latter seeps through the surface of the skin and helps improve its volume and prevents the processes that keep it healthy from slowing down.

    Radiant skin

    Of course, organic essential oils like lavender, jojoba, coconut, and Argan are the best choices. They are highly absorbent and do not clog the pores. Plus, they have a lot of vitamins and minerals that are also suitable for skin health. Actually, a lot of oils that you’re probably familiar with are just perfect for your hydrating needs. They also do not leave a greasy feeling which is just another perk of using these oils. Who wants a soft skin but one that feels sticky to the touch?

    Skin Treatments for All Issues

    Having acne and pimples is not just an ugly sight, it also affects your social life and how you see yourself. It destroys the confidence of people. But for this reason alone, essential oils are really your saviors when it comes to skin care. Instead of introducing unknown chemicals to your body, you can instead go with these oils that work just as well in treating and healing some of your skin care issues.

    • For acne, you can turn to oils like castor oil, tea tree oil, lavender, and rose oil. They have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the size of swelling and soothe irritation.
    • For dry and flaking skin, you can try heavier oils that are both moisturizing and hydrating. Avocado oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and safflower oil are great choices.
    • For sensitive skin, try oils that moisturize the skin but are also highly gentle. Coconut is a great choice since it is not too potent and won’t trigger any negative skin reactions.
    • If you’re having trouble with hyperpigmentation, you can try using lemon essential oil, carrot oil, sandalwood oil, and even chamomile. They can reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
    Essential Oils Face & Body Face Care

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